Daily reflection _ I am the light of the world

Daily reflection _ I am the light of the world

Jesus calls each of us to cast away all that binds us and blinds us to His love, and to come forth into the sunlight of His spirit.  
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
Today in the first reading, we hear how some can be wrongly accused, and how we need to look at the sin we can cause upon others and ourselves because of accusing others wrongly. Susanna, in contrast to this woman in the Gospel, was falsely accused of adultery. Until Daniel appeared on the scene, all the people believed her guilty and condemned her to death. Wow, sounds a lot like what is going on today! In her innocence, Susanna trusted in God, and her trust was rewarded by acquittal. How fast we can judge, and how our world wants to bring more harm to persons.
Yesterday in the Gospel, we heard how Jesus called Lazarus forth from the tomb. Jesus gave Lazarus another chance at life. The burial cloths that bound him were loosened, and he was free. Surely, he came forth radically changed, filled with thanksgiving. Each moment of every day, we, too, are called to the same fullness of life. Jesus said, "I came that you might have life and have it abundantly" (Jn 10).  Are we living life to the fullest, aware that each moment is a rare gift? Are our hearts filled with gratitude for all we have received from God? Or are we bound by cares and concerns, blind to the beauty of this life? Remember what St. Irenaeus wrote in the early third century, "The glory of God is the human being fully alive."
Yes! Jesus gives pardon and a new start in life, and we are the ones as Christians also to do this.  In our responsorial psalm we pray, "Even though I walk in the dark valley I fear no evil; for You are at my side." Only God can take away the darkness and bring us on a path to light and life; all we need to do is respond to Him.
God's grace enables us to confront our sin for what it is -- unfaithfulness to God, and to turn back to God with a repentant heart and a thankful spirit for God's mercy and forgiveness. Jesus calls each of us to cast away all that binds us and blinds us to His love, and to come forth into the sunlight of His spirit.
In the Gospel of John, Jesus spoke to the people, saying, "I am the light of the world."