Daily reflection _ we gain a priceless treasure

Daily reflection _ we gain a priceless treasure

When we lose our lives for Jesus we gain a priceless treasure and an inheritance that lasts forever.
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
The Gospel of Mark presents us with a paradox. The idea that we lose what we keep and gain what we give away seems a little odd. However, when we lose our lives for Jesus, we gain a priceless treasure and an inheritance that lasts for all eternity. Whatever we give to our heavenly Father comes back a hundredfold. Remember, generosity flows from the heart. If we are full of gratitude for His abundant mercy and grace so generously given to us, then we are led to recall the words of a Holy Names Sister who wrote, "What makes us die makes us live!"
Right after a wealthy young man refuses to follow Jesus, which we read in yesterday's Gospel, Peter wants to know what he and the others would get out of it since they had freely accepted Jesus Christ's offer to follow Him. Again, Jesus looked at him and said, "Truly I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or farms, for My sake and for the Gospel's sake,but that he will receive a hundred times as much now inthe present age, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and farms, along with persecutions; and in the age to come, eternal life" (Mk 10:29-30).
Jesus wants to fill our hearts with the vision of heaven and with the joy of the Gospel so that we will come to the profound understanding and knowledge of God's love. Today's first reading from the Letter of St. Peter challenges us to be like obedient children: "Do not act in compliance with the desires of your former ignorance but, as He Who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in every aspect of your conduct" (1 Pt 1:14-15). And, in the Responsorial Psalm, we acclaim, "The Lord has made known His salvation" (Ps 98:2a). God has done wondrous deeds for us, His children.
Reveal to us, Your little ones, the mysteries of the Kingdom!