God's ways are not our ways! May we go in prayer and offer a loving response to those we struggle with the most.
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
What's the distinctive feature of Jesus' life and the life of those transformed by His redeeming love? It's grace! It's treating others not as they deserve, but as our heavenly Father wishes them to be treated; with loving-kindness and mercy. Jesus is God's grace Incarnate. His love is unconditional and is wholly directed toward our good. We need to remember that God is good to all, the just and the unjust. His love embraces those who are good and those who are sinful. We are to be a people sacred to the Lord. With God all things are possible!
I read a little story the other day that I would like to share with you. We know that Jesus' most radical command is to love our enemies. We ask ourselves often how exactly we are supposed to do that. One of the best ways is to begin by learning from the example of others. A man was waiting in his car at the window of a drive-thru coffee bistro. His order was taking some time and eventually the person behind him began to impatiently blow his horn. Instead of becoming angry, the first man paid for the second man's drink and drove away. With this profoundly simple but powerful act he set off a chain reaction that lasted the entire day. This is a great story to help challenge us today!
Picture yourself in that drive-thru line. How would you have reacted to the blowing horn behind you?