Daily reflection _ wisdom is an attribute of God

Daily reflection _ wisdom is an attribute of God

Wisdom is an attribute of God, which means we have to go to God to get it. Once gained, it's contagious.  
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
Today's reading from the Letter of Saint James states, "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God Who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and he will be given it" (Jas 1:5). Let's reflect on these words for a moment. Wisdom is an attribute of God, which means we have to go to God to get it. Once gained, it's contagious. Saint Louis de Montfort put it like this, "Wisdom gives not only light to know the truth but also a remarkable power to impart it to others." May we seek wisdom for the good of all!
The moral discourse we heard from James' Letter is concrete and practical in nature. It's about social justice and the many issues we face in this world. His Letter is addressed to all Christians, not just to the people of his age. And, it begins by affirming the positive value of trials and hardships. These difficult experiences serve to build our Christian character. They test the quality of our faith and challenge us to strengthen it through perseverance, which results in a heightened maturity and growth in our spiritual lives - the goal of Christian living. For St. James, the key to all this is wisdom, which is a gift from God that we receive through prayer.
Saint James echoes the teaching of Jesus in the Gospel by asserting the impending reversal of the poor and the rich; a teaching very encouraging to those who have lived most of their lives in poverty. Here's a good question to ask ourselves today, "Is faith worth the risk?" The whole life and ministry of Jesus Christ answers this question with a resounding "Yes"! He teaches us that faith is about eternal life, not about security in this world. It comes without any signs from heaven!
In the Gospel acclamation we proclaim, "'I am the Way and the Truth and the Life,' says the Lord. 'No one comes to the Father except through Me'" (Jn 14:6).
Believing in these words brings much wisdom!