Daily reflection _ who is Jesus for you?

Daily reflection _ who is Jesus for you?

"The Lord hears the cry of the poor" (Ps 34:7a).
Who is Jesus for you?
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
The Letter of Saint James and the Old Testament prophetic literature share a common concern for justice, especially for the plight of the poor. James very bluntly describes how attractive the rich can be in comparison to the poor. We need to be reminded that throughout Scripture our heavenly Father shows special care and love for the poor. Much of the consternation that goes on in the world is connected with the actions and attitudes of the rich. We suffer far more from the rich than from the poor.
James is not advocating that harm or ill will ought to be directed toward the rich; his point is that a Christian should show no partiality. We are always to love our neighbors as ourselves! This is not an easy thing to do. The whole environment in which we live tends to judge the rich as superior to the poor. James reminds us that this can never be used as an excuse or justification. Instead, he points to the fact that everyone can be rich in faith.
Today, in the Gospel of Mark, Jesus asks, "Who do people say that I am?" Or to put it another way, He could ask each of us directly, "Who am I for you?" The word "Christ" is a Greek word for the Hebrew word "Messiah," which means "Anointed One." Peter's faith was sorely tested when Jesus explains that it is necessary for the Messiah to suffer and die in order that God's work of redemption may be accomplished. How startled the disciples are when they hear these words! How different are our heavenly Father's thoughts and ways from our thoughts and ways!
Through humiliation, suffering, and death on the Cross, Jesus Christ breaks the powers of sin and death, and wins for us our salvation. God tests each of us, personally, on our daily journey, so that we might become rich in faith, loving Him and our neighbor as we love ourselves. The Catholic Church is a church for the poor, a missionary church that reaches out to serve God's people. In our Responsorial Psalm we acclaim, "The Lord hears the cry of the poor" (Ps 34:7a).
Who is Jesus for you?