St. James warns that we, too, must be on guard against temptation. For temptations do not come from God, but from within ourselves.
In today's Responsorial Psalm we acclaim, "Blessed the man You instruct, O Lord" (Ps 94:12a). Teach me through Your presence, Your word and Your grace. May we see things as You see them. May we value what You value and reject what You reject. Teach us, Lord. Teach us day by day; teach us throughout our life so that we may grow in a deeper understanding of ourselves, of life, and of You. And, may the light of our minds illuminate the path that leads to You.
The Apostles were confused by the words of Jesus in today's Gospel of Mark, and maybe we are, too. He told them to be on guard against the leaven of Herod and the Pharisees. Jesus speaks of leaven, illustrating it as a symbol of corruption. The Apostles thought He was referring to bread, but Jesus is clearly warning them that they must be alert and attentive, lest they fall into the wrongful influence of others.
In today's Letter, St. James says much of the same thing. He warns that we, too, must be on guard against temptation. For temptations do not come from God, but from within ourselves. Where do we get the strength to overcome temptations? How do we receive the strength that comes from God as surely as our daily bread comes from God? The main source of our strength is the Eucharist. Although God offers His help to us through many means, such as prayers and devotions, nothing can substitute for the power of the Holy Eucharist.
May we fully open ourselves to receiving the benefits of this spiritual food. First, may we be humble enough to know we need Jesus in our lives. Secondly, may we have a solid faith. Lastly, may we tell God that we are willing and eager to respond to the grace that He gives us.
"Teach me, Lord, Your ways!"