Daily reflection _ love and support go far

Daily reflection _ love and support go far

God is the One Who will keep our lives safe, but only if we trust in Him.  
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
Today, in the Gospel of Mark, we read, "[Jesus] took the child by the hand and said to her, 'Talitha koum,' which means, 'Little girl, I say to you, arise'" (Mk 5:41)! When Jesus first met Jairus, the synagogue official, his daughter was "at the point of death" (Mk 5:23). Jesus waits until she dies so He can raise her from the dead to new life in the body. He commands that they give her something to eat, out of compassion but, more to the point, because spirits do not eat. She is a body, raised and restored. The Gospel's focus on the body is a focus on the restoration of body and creation itself.
In the Responsorial Psalm we acclaim, "Listen, Lord, and answer me" (Ps 86:1a). God is the One Who will keep our lives safe, but only if we trust in Him. He is a lavish Giver, full of mercy and love. He lifts up our souls!
We are challenged, today, to look at helping others become whole both in body and in spirit. To extend love and compassion most especially to our children and those most in need.
Love and support go far!