Jesus has walked on this earth and spoken the human language. He proclaimed and effected human redemption; He who has tasted death and restored life. He can take what is ordinary and make extraordinary.
Three ordinary people whose lives are about to be changed forever: Simon, his bother Andrew, and another unnamed friend of Andrew. They are looking for the Messiah, but what they discover is that the Messiah has been looking for them. He changes their lives; it's a defining moment for them. We know that Simon and Andrew were ordinary fishermen. But, when Jesus Christ searches for them and calls them, they become extraordinary people. Peter becomes the rock on which the Catholic Church is built; Andrew is an extraordinary Apostle of the Church in his time. But, what about the third person, the one standing with Andrew when Jesus appears on the scene? He is so ordinary that the Gospel doesn't even give him a name.
John is standing with the two disciples and as he watches Jesus walk by, he says, "Behold, the Lamb of God" (Jn 1:36b). What a great moment to witness Who Christ is. In the Responsorial Psalm we acclaim: "All the ends of the earth have seen the saving power of God" (Ps 98:3cd). May it strengthen our faith and open our eyes to make us realize that God's victory is upon us. Jesus has walked on this earth and spoken the human language. He proclaimed and effected human redemption; He who has tasted death and restored life. He can take what is ordinary and make extraordinary.
I will end with this thought: "When a defining moment comes along, you can do one of two things. Define the moment, or let the moment define you" (John Norville and Ron Shelton from Tin Cup).