Let what you hear from the beginning
"The Word became flesh and dwelt among us" (Jn 1:14). The Son of God abides with us and we are called to abide in Him.
Today's Gospel presents John the Baptist as an example of one who is filled with the Holy Spirit and allows what he heard from the beginning to remain in his heart (Cf 1 Jn 2:24). John the Baptist perseveres even in the heat of conflict and confrontation imposed by the priests and Levites who were sent to him. The Gospel suggests that John the Baptist is able to know who Jesus Christ is because he knows so well who he himself is not - the Messiah, nor Elijah, nor the Prophet. John knew who he was and recognized who Jesus was.
In the reading from the first Letter of St. John, we are invited to think about our own lives, especially as we move into this New Year. St. John invites us to remain in Jesus. This is more than a sense of staying put and not doing anything. John invites us to make Jesus Christ our abiding Place, our Dwelling, like a house that becomes our home. We have a relationship with Jesus in our daily walk - on a personal level - and we are dwelling in Him. After all, Jesus has already come to you and me on a personal level. "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us" (Jn 1:14). The Son of God abides with us and we are called to abide in Him.
In the Responsorial Psalm we acclaim this truth, "The Lord has made His salvation known: in the sight of the nations He has revealed His justice" (Ps 98:2)!
Let what you hear remain in you!