Daily reflection _ different in values

It isn't the mighty and powerful, but the lowly and the weak that He chooses, for God looks not at the exterior but at the interior of the heart!  
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
If anyone was betting on the battle between David and Goliath, I am sure that by taking David he or she could have gotten very good odds, probably about a thousand to one. It was like the Super Bowl champions playing a high school football team. In everybody's opinion, except his own, David did not stand a chance against the giant. And when people saw David approach the fully armed Goliath with only a sling shot in hand, they were certain that all bets were off, that the cause was hopeless.
In yesterday's first reading from the Book of Samuel (1 Sm 16:1-13), we saw how God is different, how His values and approaches are different from our values and approaches. It isn't the mighty and powerful, but the lowly and the weak that He chooses, for God looks not at the exterior but at the interior of the heart! Our Scripture reading shows that God has a passion for the poor, the humble, and the defenseless. His attitude is that those who are so naïve as to rely on their own power and riches, and turn from Him, can take care of themselves. But our heavenly Father will take care of His own, provided that we turn to Him for all our needs.
In our lives the most important attitude we should have is humility. Humility recognizes that everything we are and have comes from Him and this humility, in turn, leads to a great confidence and trust in God. The theme in our Responsorial Psalm is one of praise: "Blessed be the Lord, my Rock" (Ps 144:1). We put all our trust in Him! May we be prepared for service both great and small anytime that He chooses to call you and me.
On this anniversary of the Supreme Court's decision, Roe vs. Wade, all the dioceses of the United States observe today as a "Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children." Let us pray that Christ, born as our Savior, may save the unborn. We pray to the Lord.
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