If we think the end is near, all we have to do is wait. But if it is far off in the distance, then the task at hand is to live what we believe.
All things that we as humans construct are temporary at best. We can think about large cities like Seattle or Los Angeles. When we see their great expanse, especially from the air, we are filled with awe. And yet, at any moment an earthquake or hurricane can level the entire city. We have witnessed in passed years a hurricane that wiped out New Orleans and other cities in the gulf coast. Even without these natural disasters these cities, and all human constructions, are subject to the decay and ultimate desolation which time alone will bring.
Through Daniel God wants Nebuchadnezzar to know that His kingdom, which is so precious to him, will undergo destruction and desolation. Other kingdoms will take its place, but they too will last only for a time. The picture is a rather depressing one, especially when we realize that what is true of Nebuchadnezzar's era will be true for ours as well. What Jesus foretold about the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem will be true of the modern temples constructed by human genius.
But still, we have hope! Daniel prophesies that God Himself will set up a Kingdom that will never be destroyed or delivered up to another people. Daniel himself does not clearly understand the ultimate meaning of what he is predicting - that the eternal Kingdom will be established by Jesus Christ.
We can tend to think that when bad things occur, the end of time is near, and yet we do not know the hour! Even Luke's Gospel tempers the belief that Jesus is coming back soon, for people still need help in living their Christian lives. It makes a lot of sense when you think about it. If we think the end is near, all we have to do is wait. But if it is far off in the distance, then the task at hand is to live what we believe. This means that we actually follow Jesus and incorporate into our lives, the values of justice and compassion for which He stood.
What is most important to us? Today's Responsorial Psalm is actually taken from the Book of Daniel: "Give glory and eternal praise to Him" (Dn 3:59b). Bless the Lord, all you works, angels, heavens, waters and hosts (cf. Dn 3:57-61). The true Temple is from within you and me! This is how close our lives should be to God.
The Kingdom established by Jesus Christ is the spiritual Kingdom of the Church, which will find its fulfillment in heaven. We are the people of that Kingdom under Christ the King. In Christ Jesus we have a security that can never be shaken and we have a Home awaiting us more magnificent than all the great cities of the world put together!