Aiding the poor with a compassionate spirit and rationale brings them encouragement and, at the same time, it enriches our spiritual lives.
How well do we set an example of having an apostolic spirit? Reflecting on today's Responsorial Psalm might help us think more deeply about this question. "Blessed the man who is gracious and lends to those in need... Lavishly he gives to the poor; his generosity shall endure forever" (Ps 112:5a, 9). Sharing the joy we have in following God's word is something we are called to do as disciples of Jesus Christ. We are being sent on a mission to bring His hope and peace to all. Aiding the poor with a compassionate spirit and rationale brings them encouragement and, at the same time, it enriches our spiritual lives.
Simplicity of mind and humility of heart make you and me "a just person." Mahatma Gandhi once summarized the Hindu religion with words taken from one of its sacred books: "All is filled with God. Renounce it and enjoy it." To make it clear and simple, we acknowledge that all we have comes from God. We are simply caretakers of what belongs to Him. Our response is to use it in love as we reflect on the first reading today.
Above all, we are to hold our property and possessions lightly, not grasping them as if they were our true and only security. God knows that we, and all His people, need possessions, but there should be a sense of detachment in our grasp of them. A loose hold is coupled with a readiness to let go of them, to share them, and to use them well!