Daily reflection _ simplify my life

Daily reflection _ simplify my life

Our heavenly Father loves the ordinary!  
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
Today is the Feast of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus. She is one of the most popular saints of modern times. Blessed Pope John Paul II even declared her to be a Doctor of the Church. What makes all this rather amazing is that she died at the age of twenty-four from tuberculosis, and while she was alive her life was about living in an ordinary and simple way.
It's a gift to be simple! In yesterday's Gospel, we heard the question: "Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven?" Jesus answers the question by making reference to a little child. His point is that the greatest in the Kingdom is someone who, while on earth, appears among the lowliest on the social scale. That's St. Therese of Lisieux! Luke's Gospel and the life of St. Therese are both about the "little way" as they stress the importance of daily self-offering.
We can think of ways that we are able to give of ourselves, even in ways that might seem to be of little value. For example, sharing a smile and a friendly word for those who are having a difficult time; taking a less elegant task around the house or work place; being patient with others; restraining our tongue when we know so well that we have the only right answer; or maybe someone just needs a hug today! Our life becomes our "little way"; a way of self-giving and a way of sharing the gifts that have been given to us!
Like most prayers of praise, Jesus' words included naming the things for which He was lauding God. "Although You have hidden these things from the wise and the learned You have revealed them to the childlike." Receiving Jesus' message is simple, so you have to be able to see simply to get it! The Little Flower knew this! "Jesus," she prayed, "help me to simplify my life by learning what You want me to be - and becoming that person."
Our heavenly Father loves the ordinary!