Daily reflection _ faith is a gracious gift

Daily reflection _ faith is a gracious gift

Faith is a gracious gift God gives us for overcoming obstacles that stand in the way of doing His will.  
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
Saint Gregory the Great wrote these words in a reflection that is fitting for today's Gospel: "A root is produced from the seed, a shoot from the root, fruit from the shoot, and a seed is produced in the fruit. Let us say, then, that the seed lies hidden within the seed." Why, then, is it therefore wonderful if He who daily restores from a small seed the wood, fruit and leaves in the great mass of a tree, produces bones, nerves, flesh and hair from dust?
Pope Emeritus, Benedict XVI, tells us that "Faith is a liberation of my 'I' from its preoccupation with self... a breaking out of the isolation that is the malady of my 'I'." Faith increases when we are willing to bear our "share of hard­ship for the Gospel with the strength that comes from God" (2 Tm 1:8b). A vision of faith "presses on to fulfillment, and will not disappoint" (Hb 2:3). Faith of this intensity, even if only as small as a mustard seed, makes miracles happen!
Jesus Christ spoke of faith as something dynamic, active and very alive. Faith is a gracious gift God gives us for overcoming obstacles that stand in the way of doing His will. It enables us to cooperate with God's grace and loving power for accomplishing whatever He wants us to do. To illustrate the powerful force of faith, Jesus used the image of an uprooted tree. Have you ever seen an uprooted tree caused by a sudden wind storm? On another occasion, Jesus illustrates the force of faith with the incredible image of a mountain transplanted: "For truly, I say to you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; nothing will be impossible to you" (Mt 17:20)!
Don't we often encounter challenges and difficulties that are hard to handle in our lives? However, what appears to be impossible for us as humans is possible to those of us that believe in God's ways. Faith is a gift freely given by God to help us grow in our faith and come to know Him personally, to understand His truth, and to live in the power of His love.
We read from the psalmist today, "Come, let us sing joyfully to the Lord; let us acclaim the Rock of our salvation" (Ps 95:1)!