
Trưa qua đi ngang phố Mỹ Yên
Thấy lũ mán rừng cầm thuẫn khiên
Dàn hàng xếp trận trông hung hãn
Từng đàn chó dại sủa liên miên

Chiều qua đi ngang phố Mỹ Yên
Thấy toàn súng đạn của lũ điên
Bắn lên đập xuống dùi cui điện
Đánh tan phụ nữ đám dân hiền

Tối qua nhìn thấy phố Mỹ Yên
Dân lành đảng đánh ngã ngả nghiêng
Bể đầu sứt trán máu chảy qúa
Chở vào bệnh viện cứ liền liền

Gần sáng nghe chó sủa Mỹ Yên
Trên loa ra rả cứ như điên
Thành tích khoe rằng đảng thắng lớn
Ba ngàn chiền sỹ đánh dân hiền

Sáng nay dậy sớm ngó Mỹ Yên
Đầu đường cuối ngõ vẫn trung kiên
Bò vàng, chó đốm canh đầu ngõ
Chốt chặt dân đen ở khắp miền

Thưa nay tim nhói với Mỹ Yên
Đảng hút máu dân mãi phát nghiền
Dân tôi vô tội sao khổ mãi
Bao giờ quê tôi được bình yên.

Thanh Sơn 05.09.2013 


Police brutality has long been a major issue in Vietnam, and has gone unchallenged due to government suppression. Yet police brutality, including torture and fatal beatings, continues to be reported in all regions of the country and it is getting worse. 

On September 04, 2013, bloodshed exploded in Nghe An Province when the authority of Nghe An promised to release two My Yen Catholic church members of Nghe An Province, Nguyen Van Hai and Ngo Van Khoi. The two men were arrested not long ago in violation of “disturbance of the peace.” Nghe An Province located in the North Central Coast region of Vietnam is the largest province. 

According to Dan Lam Bao Blog “On Sept. 03, 2013, thousands of people gathered at the People’s Committee of My Phuong Commune, Nghi Loc District, Nghe An Province to protest the illegal arrests carried out by police force and demanded the release of the two parishioners. 

Under the pressure of the people, the authorities of the Nghe An Province and Nghi Loc District promised the people that they would release Mr. Ngo and Mr. Nguyen by 4 p.m. on Sept. 04, 2013. Family members, relatives and friends of the two detainees joined thousands of local people to wait for their release as promised.” 

However, the people were ambushed by the Vietnamese police and military. The Vietnamese government had lied to them and set a trap so they could attack these innocent church members. 

Over 3000 police and military were armed with guns and weapons; they used force and maze to attack the people. Many people have been arrested and many were assaulted by the police and thugs with serious injuries. Over 20 people were taken to a local hospital; one teenager was in and especially critical condition. At the hospital, doctors and nurses were being stopped from treating these patients by the representatives of the authorities. Some patients’ injuries were so serious that they had to be transported to a bigger hospital in Hanoi.