Daily reflection _ we joyfully say!

Daily reflection _ we joyfully say!

We celebrate the triumph of God's goodness, and we labor to make it come into our lives. We believe in the future as we struggle in the present.  
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
In the Responsorial Psalm for today we hear, "The Lord has made known His salvation" (Ps 98:2). We celebrate the triumph of God's goodness, and we labor to make it come into our lives. We believe in the future as we struggle in the present. May we always rejoice when we think of the final day, for we know that we belong to something much greater than just our earthly life.
Farmers often reflect as they walk along the path between fields of grain in midsummer. The crops are beautiful, promising an abundant harvest. For they trust the hard work will pay off. But farmers also need to remember, "that they cannot make it rain; they cannot make the sun shine; they cannot make the wind blow; they cannot make the soil or the seeds they plant. But they can work the soil and plant the seeds. Our dear farmers, you all depend on God for everything." This is a good point for all of us. It's important to always go to Him in prayer, giving all to God with total trust and a deep love for Him.
For us to be wise we must come to know the meaning of St. Paul's prayer today, "...we do not cease praying for you and asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of God's will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding... in every good work bearing fruit and growing in the knowledge of God... with joy giving thanks to the Father" (Col 1:9-10). The fruit we bear flows out of the abundant generosity - or generous abundance - of God, such as the huge catch of fish St. Peter and his companions enjoyed. Out of God's abundance comes His invitation to our obedient response as demonstrated by these fishermen who left their accustomed livelihood to become fishers of God's children.
Let us pray. May our faith be strengthened and our eyes opened to make us realize that Your victory is already here, though hidden under the humble veil that hides the glory of all heavenly realities while on this earth. For we totally depend on You!