Lc 09:18-22
quan phòng
Daily reflection _ take courage, for I will be with you
Good answers depend on being courageous about our daily commitment of life and to accept and obey our heavenly Father's voice of love.
In the first reading, the Lord speaks to the people through the Prophet Haggai. He tells the people to "take courage" (Hg 2:4). He says this three times because the people are giving up on the hard work of rebuilding the temple after returning home from exile. All their enthusiasm for something of great value is running out of gas. Through the Prophet, the Lord exhorts them several times: "Take courage, for I will be with you" (ibid).
Haggai knew, just as our bishops at the Second Vatican Council knew, and just as any spiritual leader knows, that our external actions are not enough. If we, the Children of God, are to do what He wants, we need inner courage, and that will usually require a measure of conversion. The essence of Haggai's message to his contemporaries is as relevant today as it was then, not just for erecting buildings but for forming a faithful, worshipping People of God.
We have many questions, today, don't we? Questions pertaining to our Faith, our lives, work, managing our homes and so on. Good answers depend on being courageous about our daily commitment of life and to accept and obey our heavenly Father's voice of love. The Scripture's message is brought together for us In the Responsorial Psalm: "Hope in God; I will praise Him, my Savior and my God" (Ps 43:5).
In our prayer for our own contentment - for a deep, social, and religious need to communicate to others - we need God's presence through the Sacraments. We need His joy and sincerity of heart. In the midst of the trials and sufferings that form part of the human condition, may we ask for the serenity to face them and the steadfastness to go through them with confidence, so that even in our dark hours we may be a living witness to the loving power of the Lord's hand. In peace and joy let us always be a serene witness to the glory to come; citizens of heaven, on our way through this world, to our final destination with You, our God!
Are you thinking God's way or your own way?