The Word, today, presents Jesus as the one, true Mediator between God and man, and we have both the responsibility and the opportunity to intercede with Jesus Christ on behalf of others.
I would like to begin this reflection with a prayer written by Rev. Dale E. Turner:
"The wisest people are those who, although unrelenting in their quest for answers, trustingly leave some of the problems in the hands of God who knows the whole."
In St. Paul's Letter to Timothy, we read about his wish, "that in every place the men should pray, lifting up holy hands, without anger or argument" (1 Tm 2:8). Our prayer of intention takes center stage today. Paul asks that you would intercede for me and others in leadership positions. You know God's will is to save everyone, which is no easy task, and as leaders we need divine help if we are going to lead others "to come to the knowledge of the truth" (1 Tm 2:4).
Today's Gospel tells us about some of the Jews who are interceding on behalf of the centurion whose servant is dying. They believe, correctly, that Jesus Christ has what it takes to help. From a distance, Jesus heals the humble centurion's servant. Unless we shut our eyes, ears, minds, and hearts to what is going on in our day, we easily recognize all the suffering throughout the world. Those in public office, philanthropists, and any number of ordinary people who try to bring resources and dignity to those who are hurting, need divine assistance.
The Word, today, presents Jesus as the one, true Mediator between God and man, and we have both the responsibility and the opportunity to intercede with Jesus Christ on behalf of others. Mary McLeod Bethune wrote: "Invest in the human soul. Who knows, it might be a diamond in the rough."