Lc 06:12-19
Daily reflection _ in His compassion He is good to all
Through the humanity of Jesus Christ, God has become very close to us.
In today's Responsorial Psalm we acclaim, "The Lord is compassionate toward all His works" (Ps 145:9). Let us contemplate the history of all God's people - our Traditions, our public prayers and singing the Psalms as a community of faith. Think about the generational link! One generation instructs the other, handing down beliefs and practices; praying together, uniting the young and old in one voice. As we continue in this beautiful rhythm of life, let's enliven our desire to enter deeper into our own history as God's children and learn to communicate this history to the generation that comes after us.
Our God is good! He is not a remote God, distant and ethereal. In St. Paul's Letter to the Colossians we read, "For in Him dwells the whole fullness of the deity bodily, and you share in this fullness in Him..." (Col 2:9-10a). Through the humanity of Jesus Christ, God has become very close to us. Jesus was, of course, human like us in all things but sin, and it was through His humanity that He saved us from the death of sin.
Jesus called Peter and the other Apostles, for He wants His work to continue through all generations. What He did in the past He continues to do in the present. In baptism, He called us each by name. And what He does in the present Jesus will also do in the future. You can count on it!
Unless today the Word be made flesh who will see Him?