Daily reflection _ God takes delight in His people

Daily reflection _ God takes delight in His people

The temple of Christ's Body, in a real sense, is made up of living stones - people! We are called to be concerned about those people who are in need.  
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
Today and tomorrow we have readings from the prophet Haggai. He was concerned with the reconstruction of the temple and the renewal of authentic religion after the people returned from exile to Babylon. A certain lethargy and disinterest concerning the temple had overtaken the people. Particularly distressing to Haggai was the fact that those who had material means refused to contribute to the building of the temple. He felt that they were more concerned with their own comfort than they were in providing a suitable place for the worship of the Lord. Filled with indignation, Haggai accused the people of being preoccupied with fleeting pleasures, which he graphically presented in images such as that of eating without being satisfied and of putting earnings in a bag with holes in it.
One is tempted to say that the lesson for us is to see the necessity of contributing to the Church, and that would indeed be a valid lesson. On the other hand, our Faith tells us that Jesus Christ has replaced the temple. Our Faith also teaches us that what is done to the members of the Mystical Body of Christ is done to Christ Himself. The temple of Christ's Body, in a real sense, is made up of living stones - people! We are called to be concerned about those people who are in need.
In the Responsorial Psalm we acclaim, "Let Israel be glad in their Maker, let the children of Zion rejoice in their King. The Lord takes delight in His people" (Ps 149:2, 4a). We all know that our sins and weaknesses do get in the way. We also ask God not to look at our wrongdoings but at our trust in Him, for it is on that trust that we can base our whole life. On that trust we speak, act and live. This trust is that God will never fail us. This is our Faith and that is our boast. God will not make us lose face, and He will not let us down. All we need to do is stay focused on Jesus; Mary showed us how to do that!
In today's Gospel acclamation we can joyfully sing Jesus' words: "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except through Me" (Jn 14:6).