Sharing Christ’s Passion
What is lacking in Christ's Passion in me? It is my own bruises of body, of heart, of spirit, bruises of disappointment, bruises of frustration, bruises of misunderstanding, bruises of ingratitude, bruises perhaps of rejection.
We pray: "Passio Christi, conforta me," "Passion of Christ, comfort me." Comfort me - yes; but in the very literal etymological sense of that word: make me strong. Passion of Christ, make me strong.
Surely that is a prayer we should like to make our own, for we would rejoice to be strong in our sufferings from the strength of the Passion of Christ. But this does not always seem to happen. In fact, we see all too manifestly that it often enough does not occur. We seem, instead, very weak. Where is that strength from the Passion of Christ? Perhaps we need to recall that it is not effected ex opere operato. Our Lord suffered, endured, willingly accepted his Passion and Death; therefore, we are strong. Strength flows out of him to us indeed, but not without our effort to receive it....
What is lacking in Christ's Passion in me? It is my own bruises of body, of heart, of spirit, bruises of disappointment, bruises of frustration, bruises of misunderstanding, bruises of ingratitude, bruises perhaps of rejection. Aware of this, remembering, focused, identified, we can truly pray, "Passion of Christ, make me strong!" We dare not pray it unless we are prepared to accept the responsibility of having the strength of the Passion of Jesus given to us.