Daily reflection _ election in salvation

Daily reflection _ election in salvation

Election in Salvation
God wants all to be saved, God makes it possible for all to be saved, God offers help and aid so that all can be saved, and yet, God forces no one to be saved...
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
The ideal in a democracy is for every eligible and well-informed citizen to exercise his right to vote, and (barring due process for disenfranchisement) that right to vote is a sacrosanct privilege and responsibility guaranteed by the country's constitution, for without it, no nation can be recognized as a true democracy.
This ideal of 100% participation in an election is an actual possibility: even hillbillies in the remotest backwoods, and those burdened with illiteracy or physical handicaps are enfranchised, for the government must provide sufficient polling places as well as recourse to absentee ballots so that no qualified citizen is denied the opportunity to cast his vote. And of course, citizens are not merely given the opportunity to vote, we are positively encouraged and aided in this regard!
However, no election comes close to that ideal level of participation - not because it's an impossibility, not because it's discouraged or impeded, but only because citizens are not forced to vote, and so many tragically choose not to be a part of the election process. In the last American presidential election, for instance, fewer than 60% of eligible voters cast a ballot. For the "off-years," when the White House is not up for grabs, the national turnout for congressional, state, and local elections is invariably less than 50%.
Now, I offer these sobering statistics not only to perhaps inspire more conscientious citizenship in our earthly democracies, but even more importantly, to cultivate future citizenship in the heavenly theocracy, because, as I will explain, the issue of ideal vs. actual voter participation parallels the issue of ideal vs. actual creature salvation.
It is not the intention or desire of God that any person He creates suffers eternal damnation. Rather, the ideal would be for every single rational creature of God to elect to take part in God's plan of salvation. And God makes this an actual possibility: even those Stone Age men born into the most pagan and savage tribes of long ago could embrace salvation through faithfulness to the God-given light of conscience and the unflagging pursuit of Truth. The psalm sings of this universal divine appeal: "Praise the Lord, all you nations, glorify Him, all you peoples!"
But it wasn't enough for God in His plan of creation to make salvation possible for all - God deigned to encourage and aid His children in every way possible, and so He enlightened our world with Divine Revelation, beginning with His chosen people, and then, as Isaiah reminds us, proceeding "to gather nations of every language." And with Godly Grace, He holds out His helping hand at every moment to guide and discipline us, to keep us on the straight path to Him through the narrow gate.
God wants all to be saved, God makes it possible for all to be saved, God offers help and aid so that all can be saved, and yet, God forces no one to be saved, and so many tragically choose not to be a part of the salvation process! People elect to ignore God's commands and the light of conscience. They are seduced by this world's empty campaign promises, and thus cast off divine discipline in order to cast their lot with lewd licentiousness. They stand up to be counted as pro-choice for the most selfish pursuits, even at the cost of innocent lives. They ratify immorality and endorse Godlessness and blasphemy. And more often than not, they vote with their feet to absent themselves from God's house, forgetting that the day will come when, having thus disenfranchised themselves, they will find the door locked for an eternal term, and the Voice from within saying, "Depart from Me, all you evildoers!"

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