Spiritual readings _ why we keep the sabbath holy

Spiritual readings _ why we keep the sabbath holy

Why We Keep the Sabbath Holy
All people, in order to be saved, must attach themselves in some way to the divine liturgy of redemption...  
Cardinal Charles Journet
Christian worship is the cause of the very presence of Christ in the world, who acts in his members in order to perpetuate this worship... At the same time that it perpetuates the visitation of the suffering Christ, the Christian cult announces the Parousia of the glorified Christ. It is full of memories, but these memories are promises. If it commemorates the past, it is in order to hasten the future...
All people, in order to be saved, must attach themselves in some way to the divine liturgy of redemption...
In the pagan world we see the notion of consecration gradually being substituted for the notion of moral sanctity, and even claiming to supplant it...
The traditional doctrine, found both in the Orthodox Churches and in Catholicism, recognises that the order of moral sanctity and that of consecration for worship are both, though for different reasons, essential to Christianity, which, far from setting them against each other, reconciles divinely in itself the notions of worship and morality, validity and grace, consecration and sanctity.
Cardinal Charles Journet (d. 1975) was a Swiss theologian
who was influential at the Second Vatican Council.