Daily reflection _ through forgiveness and healing

Jesus Christ comes to restore and renew us from the inside out. He comes to forgive and to bring new life.  
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
When a cripple is brought to Jesus Christ because of the faith of his friends, Jesus does the unthinkable. He forgives the man's sins and healed his infirmity. As we take a closer look at the Gospel of Matthew today, we notice how, even after the man's sins are forgiven, he does not get up and walk immediately. Jesus first focuses on the man's spiritual well-being before He tends to his physical well-being. It's an interesting order of events that need to play out.
While physical healing can be tested, proven, and verified, forgiveness, on the other hand, is not as clear. We may know in our own life how, even after hearing a word of forgiveness, we have the sneaking suspicion that past mistakes will come back to show their ugly faces. Forgiveness and healing are not linked in the Gospels in order to teach us that sickness is punishment for our sins. Instead, we see that Jesus Christ comes to restore and renew us from the inside out. He comes to forgive and to bring new life. Through forgiveness and healing, our heavenly Father reveals the deep desire to restore wholeness to our whole life and give life to the world.
It's no wonder, then, why St Ignatius started the retreat movement and taught us to focus on the spiritual exercises. In so doing, we can have a greater intimacy with God! Use today's Psalm for your prayer: "I will walk in the presence of the Lord, in the land of the living" (Ps 115:9). For the Lord brings us healing of mind, body, and soul. What healing powers!
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