Think of the crucifix in which the vertical and the horizontal meet and where Jesus' outstretched arms encompass all that is.
Jesus said in Luke's Gospel today, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself" (Lk 10:27). What would be the result if you and I, and many others, put God first in our lives? I believe there would be mutual respect between people. The love of God would be lived out. Violence would probably disappear. No one would lack what they need in order to live a life of dignity. You might say it sounds too good to be true, but remember all things are possible with God!
Let us also remember it is in Jesus Christ that "all things hold together." Think of the crucifix in which the vertical and the horizontal meet and where Jesus' outstretched arms encompass all that is. Take some time today to reflect on the following questions:
In what ways do I recognize that the Word of God is 'something very near' to me? When am I tempted to resist doing what I know I ought to do? Do I turn to Jesus Christ for strength when I am resisting His will, which will ultimately lead to an interior transformation? When, recently, have I run into a "Good Samaritan?"
In our Responsorial Psalm we acclaim, "Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life (Ps 19:9a).
It is the imprint of God that is upon His creation, and He is a God of order and reliability; a God Who can be trusted in all He does, just as we trust that the sun will rise tomorrow! Let us strive to live a life doing God's will, for He is perfect and His commands are love and His decrees are faithful. Put God first in your life and assist those who are in need.
Take it to heart and do your part, and give it your all!