He taught with authority
Something truly exceptional is something divine, there's something divine within it.
When something corresponds to the criteria by which everything is judged and lived, when it corresponds to the criteria with which life is lived, should be lived... when it corresponds to the deepest needs of the heart, that is, those for which everything is lived and judged, when it corresponds to the most natural and fully present needs of the heart, when it brings to fruition what life has been awaiting, then it's exceptional.
To be exceptional, an encounter must correspond to what you're waiting for....
Something truly exceptional is something divine, there's something divine within it. In fact, if it doesn't really bring you to the divine, it decays.
Another characteristic... of faith in Jesus, is that it comes from an exceptional encounter. It comes from an encounter that corresponds to the criteria by which we live and judge everything, corresponds to the criteria by which we live and judge everything in an inconceivable way, never imagined, never seen, never encountered....
For Andrew and John, who sat watching him speak, it was inconceivable, unimaginable. And after, even everyone else said, "No one has ever spoken like this man." "This man speaks with authority."