He showed the depth of His concern for the woman bereaved not only of her husband, but of her only child as well. This woman had lost her loved ones and her future security and livelihood, also.
It’s very likely that there have been times in our lives when we have been doubted, mistrusted, or had our abilities questioned. As you can read in this Sunday’s readings, Elijah, St. Paul, and Jesus Christ, all experienced the same thing. What did they do? They didn’t rage and retaliate. Rather, they defended themselves, remaining close to God and their mission. They knew it was important that God visit His people and care for their greatest need.
In Luke’s Gospel, we hear that the people glorified God exclaiming, “’A great prophet has arisen in our midst,’ and ‘God has visited His people’” (Lk 7:16b). Jesus was “moved with pity” when He met with individuals and with groups of people. When He met a widow and a crowded funeral procession on the way to the cemetery, you may wonder why He was so moved on this particular occasion. Jesus not only grieved the untimely death of this young man, but He showed the depth of His concern for the woman bereaved not only of her husband, but of her only child as well. This woman had lost her loved ones and her future security and livelihood, also.
Jesus had the ability to restore life and to make a person whole again. Christ’s physical touch and personal identification with the widow’s loss of her only son not only showed His profound love and concern, it pointed to His desire to free everyone from the power of sin and even death itself. Jesus is Lord not only of the living but of the dead. He promises everyone who believes in Him, that because He lives and will never die again, we also shall have an abundant life with and in Him, both now and forever.
When we face life’s trials, misfortunes, and moments of despair, remember that God “visits His people!”