Let us resolve to allow our hearts to be open to forgiving without counting the cost. Then greatly have we enriched it, not just the land, but all of life!
God-lovers have laid their lives on the line for what they believe. In our first reading from the Second Letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians, Paul writes, “Since we have this ministry through the mercy shown us, we are not discouraged” (2 Cor 4:1). We, too, need to believe in the God of the “visible and invisible” even when the Gospel is veiled, for this is what we profess in our Creed.
In our Responsorial Psalm we acclaim, “The glory of the Lord will dwell in our Land. Truth shall spring out of the earth...our land shall yield it increase” (Ps 85:10b, 12a, 13b). We rejoice in the rain as it makes the earth fertile, the fields green, and the air clean and fresh. As a result, we have a guarantee of the fruits of the earth that will meet our needs as they renew the farmers’ faith that our heavenly Father will keep His Word. God gives us food and keeps His promise that the animals will also be cared for. This is all part of His providential care!
We have a multiplicity of signs reflecting God’s power around us. All the forces of nature operate, not by accident, but by the wonderful design of God. It is He Who maintains the marvelous balance of nature by which we survive and Who keeps constant the laws of the universe upon which we depend. God uses His almighty power out of love for us. Our belief in God’s actions among us should motivate us to be faithful. Experiencing His love should inspire us to be generous and loving people.
Today’s Gospel acclamation verse reminds us that Jesus is our Model: “I give you a new commandment: love one another as I have loved you” (Jn 13:34). We are called to love each other even as He has loved us! Let us resolve to allow our hearts to be open to forgiving without counting the cost. Then greatly have we enriched it, not just the land, but all of life!