Even though He is not old, He demonstrates time and again those characteristics of understanding and good choices that manifest a depth of wisdom.
Wisdom is not the same thing as knowledge. Wisdom requires collective experience, which has been subjected to careful prayer and to ponder on. The first reading of Sirach praises wisdom as the great value that leads to understanding. Ultimately, a good life is one that rests on wisdom, Quite often the Gospels portray Jesus as a wise Person. Even though He is not old, He demonstrates time and again those characteristics of understanding and good choices that manifest a depth of wisdom.
Today's Gospel of Mark is one example. Jesus' opponents are attempting to test Him and turn things upside down by confronting Him with clever word games that would force Him to say what He, in fact, would not want to say. Jesus immediately sees through it all and very wisely does not fall for it. He makes the keen decision to not even play the game. Wisely, Jesus turns the table on the opponents, forcing them to stop the nonsense.
Jesus always told the disciples that it is "the truth that will make you free" (Jn 8:32), and that there is a joy and freedom of living according to God's word and truth. In the Psalm, it would be helpful to pray and reflect on its words: "The precepts of the Lord give joy to the heart" (Ps 19:9ab). We ought to listen prayerfully to the message and take it to heart. Jesus teaches us to pray that God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Our heavenly Father guides us to choose our direction and not to stray from the path that brings life and goodness.
I would like to end with this brief reflection written by Corrine De Winter:
The Wisdom to Know
There have been times
when I've allowed insignificant things
to overwhelm my life
and get the better of me.
There have been times
when I have been unforgiving
of myself and others.
When I caused hurt
where I could have healed,
when I had spoken
though silence was best.
Allow me to learn from these things
and let them go.
Allow me the wisdom to know
that at the time
I did my best.