Daily reflection _ no room for self-assured complacency

Daily reflection _ no room for self-assured complacency

If we come to know ourselves well we realize that, like the Church, we all need constant renewal and transformation. 
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
In today's first reading from the Book of Sirach, it seems as though we are listening to a Lenten message! If we come to know ourselves well we realize that, like the Church, we all need constant renewal and transformation, and not simply during some special season of the liturgical year. It seems as though we always have something that challenges us or some nagging fault that still needs to be overcome. It could be our temper, our mood swings, materialism, and so on. We come to know that we need to reaffirm our commitment to some good work that we've agreed to do and remain faithful in our prayer life.
Complacency from our commitments can happen very easily. We all need the energizing, loving power of God, the Force driving us to make a difference in our world and in our community. Through the Word and the Eucharist we receive abundantly from God. We are touched by His Spirit, which helps to sustain us for an affective life and ministry.
In the Responsorial Psalm we acclaim, "Blessed are they who hope in the Lord" (Ps 40:5a). In this hope we are like a tree planted near life-giving water, which yields its fruit and prospers. For the Lord watches over us all!
May we have humble trust!