Daily reflection _ feast of the chair of st. Peter

Daily reflection _ feast of the chair of st. Peter

As we honor St. Peter, today, let us pray that, through his intercession, "no tempests may disturb us, for You [God] have set us fast on the rock of the Apostle Peter's confession of faith" (Collect). We express our confidence and trust in the promise of Jesus Christ - the assurance that His Church will perjure and that the Petrine Office will continue to serve God's people. It will continue to be a blessing of the New Covenant.  
"Accept with favor, O Lord, we pray, the prayers and offerings of Your Church, that, with Saint Peter as Her Shepherd, She may come to an eternal inheritance, for it is through his teaching that She holds the faith in its integrity. Through Christ our Lord" (Prayer over the Offerings).
Today, Pope Benedict XVI occupies the Chair of Peter. Both St. Peter and Pope Benedict have been given the authority, from Christ Jesus, to be shepherds who feed His flock. Peter's Letter sets out principles that are not meant to be just for the Pope, but for every one of us who has a role in the faith formation of another. It is imperative that we serve, not because it is what we should do, but because we do it willingly.
Most people, who are called to a position of authority, accept their tasks willingly, even joyfully! In time, though, difficulties, struggles, and opposition may arise. The excitement and happiness can fade and one can become weak. Today's Responsorial Psalm can help, "The Lord is my Shepherd... Even though I walk in the dark valley... He refreshes my soul" (Ps 23:1a, 4, 3a). God's goodness and kindness renew our strength, and help us to get up and lead by example, careful not to "lord it over those assigned to" (1 Pt 5:3) us, all for the mission that has been entrusted to our care. 
The expectation of a pope, clergy, teacher, parent, and those in public office, is to practice what they preach. Wow! That is a challenge. United in faith and love, may we be receptive to the graces given to us, making it possible to fulfill our responsibilities. Let us pray together, in one voice, for the one who sits in the Chair of Peter, today.