The Seminal Parable

Fr. Rory Pitstick, SSL
The Parable of the Sower is particularly detailed and prominent, and one of the few parables for which Jesus explicitly appended His own explanation, simply because of its fundamental theme of exposing the obstacles to the fruitful reception of the Word of God.
Those who first heard and those of us who most recently heard again this punchy parable are thus left with some thought-provoking and action-inspiring questions:
Since I have heard the Word of God, how rich of a harvest has been yielded?
Thirty? Sixty? A hundredfold?
If less than that, why?
Has my inattention too often allowed Satan to steal the Word before being well implanted in my heart?
Has my lack of follow-up and follow-through exposed me as one with lack of rooted convictions concerning the Word of God?
Have my worldly anxieties, the lure of riches, and other preoccupations choked the Word of God in my life?
What can I, with the help of God, do today about that?