Daily reflection on sunday of 2nd week OT

Daily reflection on sunday of 2nd week OT

Do we recognize the glory of His presence in our lives?  "Taste the New, Rich Wine!"
Today's first reading from Isaiah was written as a message of hope, promising that the people would once again be restored to Jerusalem. They are bidden to remain vocal about their God and their beliefs until they are restored to their home city. The important part of all this however, is its connection to marriage. Although God's people are currently seen as desolate and forsaken, they will eventually be recognized as the delight of God and, His spouse. Here is a question for those of you who are married: How often do you rejoice in your spouse? If you truly can rejoice in your spouse, then you have an inkling of how our heavenly Father feels about His Chosen People. A true Covenant relationship!
Related to the Gospel reading, the wedding feast at Cana is what John calls the inauguration of Jesus' ministry. This new, rich wine we read about points to the "wine of the New Covenant" and the "Bread of Life" which Jesus provides for the disciples at the Last Supper. It also points to the banquet that Jesus will provide at the end of the age when He comes again in glory. The miracles of Jesus Christ demonstrate the power of God's love and mercy for us. Our heavenly Father's kindness knows no bounds. And the ultimate expression of His love is revealed through His Son. Jesus became flesh for our sake and He died for our redemption. He rose that we, too, might be raised up and glorified with Him.
In today's Psalm we acclaimed, "Tell His glory among the nations; among all peoples, His wondrous deeds" (Ps 96:3). For God has called us through the Gospel to possess the glory of our Lord!
Do we recognize the glory of His presence in our lives?  "Taste the New, Rich Wine!"