Daily reflection _ on the feast of Epiphany

Daily reflection _ on the feast of Epiphany

Today is the feast of St. John Neumann, the first U.S. Bishop to be canonized a saint. He was born in Bohemia and immigrated at age twenty-five to become a missionary to the New World. He was penniless; however, he completed his theological studies, was ordained, and almost immediately became pastor of a territory in northern New York. He was appointed Bishop of Philadelphia where he erected a large number of new parishes, began the building of the Cathedral, and especially attracted to the diocese a number of religious orders of teaching brothers and sisters so that soon his parochial schools increased twentyfold. St. John also found time to write two major catechisms, as well as a Bible history for children, and articles for newspapers and journals. John Neumann died on this day in 1860.
In today's readings we hear about those who abide in God's love and how His Heart is moved with pity for the people; "For they were like sheep without a shepherd" (Mk 6:34). They are unaware that Jesus is God-with-us, which is the epiphany of divine love. They need to be taught God's Truth and to trust in Him.  It is here that Jesus feeds them with five loaves and two fish and shows Himself as a prophet.
I couldn't help but imagine while I was reflecting on the Scripture's this morning , what John Neumann must have felt when he immigrated from his country to the United States with no money, the uncertainty of going to a strange Country, and especially not knowing anyone must have caused him to fell alone. Truly he trusted in God, knowing that somehow this was the right decision for him. He must have had a burning desire to do something meaningful with his life - doing good for others, truly loving his neighbor - although he didn't know where God would be using him to help build His Kingdom here in this world.
St. John Neumann did love God and trusted in Him. He had fears just like we do today in our lives, but was not afraid to cry out to Jesus for help.  We too have our storms and fears in our lives.  When things are not going well in our families, at work, with our communities, or just fighting the fears within our-selves. We two need to have that same trust in God, with our faith and love for Him he also will leads us on our journey in this life and in our future home.
In today's Gospel of John, Jesus said to Philip, "Follow Me" (Jn 1:43b). Then "Philip found Nathanael and told him, 'We have found the One about Whom Moses wrote in the Law, and also the prophets, Jesus, son of Joseph, from Nazareth'" (Jn 1:45).Jesus said to Nathanael, "You will see greater things than this... Amen, amen, I say to you, you will see the sky opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man" (Jn 1:50b - 51). Our challenge today is for each of us to make the most out of our lives - make this world a better place during this Christmas season and love each other as God loves each one of us.
May we have confidence in God!