Daily reflection _ Epiphany

Daily reflection _ Epiphany

Today the Church celebrates Jesus being made known to the whole world. Epiphany means "manifestation," and the Magi represent all peoples of every language and nation who, called by God, set out to adore Jesus. Everyone needs to bring their homage and all nations must serve Him. After meeting with the Magi and hearing about the "newborn King of the Jews," King Herod sent them on their way, saying, "Go and search diligently for the child. When you have found Him, bring me word, that I too may go and do Him homage" (Mt 2:8). 
They obeyed the King and continued on their journey.
They traveled until at last, the star which they had seen in the East settled over the place where the Child was. Filled with joy, the Magi went into the dwelling where they found the Child with His Mother, Mary, laying in a manger. They knew that He was the Messiah, the God made Man, and they fell down to worship and adore Him.
The gifts of the Magi and our offerings:
The Magi opened their treasures and offered Him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, the most precious gifts of the East. They offered Him gold, a symbol of royalty. As Christians, we want Jesus to be in all of our human activities; to have Him exercise His reign of justice, holiness, and peace over all souls. We are called to share the gold we receive. Let us not forget that these things are good, for they come from God. The Lord has given us these gifts in order that we might use them for the benefit of all people.
We, too, offer Him incense, the perfume which was burned each evening on the altar as a symbol of the hope placed in the Messiah. Incense is our desire to live a noble life and should give the 'aroma of Christ.' So our words and actions, performed with His aroma, ought to sow understanding and friendship. We should accompany others so that no one is left alone or has the feeling of being abandoned. The pleasant smell of incense comes from some small, hidden grains of aromatic material placed upon the burning charcoal. Likewise, is the sweet fragrance of Christ noticed among men, not in a sudden burst of flame, but in the constant red-hot embers of virtues - justice, loyalty, faithfulness, understanding, and cheerfulness.
With the Magi, we also offer myrrh because God Incarnate will take upon Himself our weaknesses and be burdened with our sorrows. Myrrh is the spirit of sacrifice that can never be lacking in a Christian life. When we are obedient to God's love, we are able to truly give of ourselves. We make our daily offering to Our Lord because we meet Him every day in Holy Mass and Communion. We can place our offering there, too, made up of little things which Jesus will accept. If we do the little things we offer with a right intention, they will acquire a far greater value than gold, frankincense, or myrrh, because they are united to the Sacrifice of Christ, the Son of God Who offers Himself there.
In today's Gospel of Matthew we hear that, in obedience to the voice of the Angel, the Magi returned to their own country by another way. Having seen the Child and His mother, what joy these men must have had in their hearts to the end of their days. Through this feast, the Church proclaims the manifestation of Jesus to all mankind throughout time, with no distinction of race or nation. He instituted the New Covenant in His Blood, calling together a people from among the Jews and Gentiles who will be drawn into unity and will constitute the new People of God.
The Feast of the Epiphany moves all the faithful to share the concerns and labors of the Church. Holy Mother Church continually prays and works so that the entire world may be incorporated into the People of God - the Body of the Lord and the temple of the Holy Spirit. Epiphany is the feast of faith. We, who have already reached the Faith and those who are on the path to finding it, share alike in this feast; giving thanks for the gift of faith.
We don't ask the Magi to give us gold, frankincense, or myrrh. It seems more natural to ask them to teach us the way that leads to Jesus Christ so that every day we can give Him our own gold, our own incense, and our own myrrh. Let us also ask the Mother of God, who is our Mother too, to prepare for us the way that leads to the fullness of love. Most Immaculate Heart of Mary, prepare for us a safe way!