

St. Geminian

  also known as Gimignano
Feast day: January 31
Died: 348

Bishop of Modena, Italy. When St. Athanasius was entering exile in France, he passed through Modena and was received kindly by Geminian. St. John Chrysostom received the same hospitality in Modena. Geminian did not waver in opposing heresy.
Geminian of Modena

 Saint Geminian was a deacon who became bishop of Modena in northern Italy, where he bravely opposed Jovinianism. He gave shelter to Saint Athanasius as he passed through Italy on his way into exile in Gaul. When the city was threatened by the Huns, he saved it through his intercession (Attwater2, Benedictines, Tabor).

 Saint Geminian is pictured as a bishop holding a mirror in which the Virgin Mary is reflected. He may also be shown
 (1) holding the town of San Gimignano;
 (2) exorcising the emperor's daughter;
(3) calming a storm at sea (Roeder). He is the patron of Modena and San Gimignano, Italy