Original Video from TuoiTreYn
Ca Nhac Si Viet Khang Chàng Trai Nước Việt
I would like to dedicate this English version to our young hero Viet Khang. Who is Viet Khang? Viet Khang - born Vo Minh Tri - is a young Vietnamese musician and singer in his thirties. He was arrested by the Vietnamese communist authorities December 23, 2011 just for having composed and sang two patriotic songs ("Who are You" and "" Where is my Vietnam ") emphasizing the concern of the Vietnamese people against the invasion China's gradual. During 2011, Hundreds of people took to the streets in Vietnam to protest against Chinese incursions in Vietnamese seas territorales. Ironically, several protestors were imprisoned or brutally oppressed by the Vietnamese police - without judiciare trial. Viet Khang threw into relief the tragic moments in his songs, which cost him his incommunicado detention. I call for everyone who loves freedom to join us to demand the immediate release of Viet Khang. A big thank you from our hearts!