Words of Heart

Words of Heart

Lời Cảm Tạ 11Words of Heart
Eternal Father, I am but a poor soul. I come before you with empty hands, nothing to offer to you my Lord. I have done nothing for you, yet you love me and show it by blessing me with your grace. How then can I repay you? I am unfit and unworthy. You love me so much that you sent your only son, Jesus, to the world so that I may have eternal life.
Oh my Jesus, forgive me for all the times that I forgot about you. In my daily life, grant me that I may never take you for granted. How will I ever repay you? When I forgot about you, you did not forget about me. When I was lost, you found me. When I despaired, you comforted me. I thank you Jesus, that you have given yourself to me. You have given yourself solely and entirely. I am a poor servant.
Jesus, when you were born, all the angels in Heaven rejoiced and so do I. You had become human for my sake. You grew in wisdom and holiness in which no other person can ever be compared. You had become a perfect rolemodel and you did it all for my sake. I recall the last supper you had with your disciples, there you offered yourself to us, body and blood. Take this and eat it... Take this and drink it... Do this in memory of me, you commanded us.
I remember when you were taken and tried under Pontius Pilate. They took and scourged you. A crown of thorns they placed on you, and a cloak they put around you while they hit and spit at you. Sometimes I feel I am the one that is hitting you. Silently you endured this pain for me. Like a lamb led to the slaughter you were silent. Bearing the cross they made you carry it to Golgotha, Place Of The Skull. You were placed on the cross. Four wounds were created on your body as your hands and feet were pierced. Then you took your last breath and your soul left your body. How much love had you shown me. Blood and water flowed freely from you as they pierced you on your side, this was the fifth wounds.
Oh Jesus! in your life you had given so much to be and I pray that I may never loose you. Dear sweet brother Jesus, in your five wounds, hide me and keep me safe. With your blood that was shed for sake of me, cleanse my mind, soul and body that I may be pure like you. In all my sinfulness I cried, my Lord, my God, be my comforter. At times I feel lonely, you are there to keep me company; at times I am sad, you are there to comfort me. Please grant that you will always be with me forever and that all people will love you as you love us. Thank you Jesus, I love you. Mother of God, pray for us. Saint Joseph, pray for us. All Vietnamese Martyrs, pray for us. Amen.