Jesus: My loving thanks

Jesus: My loving thanks

Lời Cảm Tạ 28Jesus: My Loving Thanks
Dear my beloved Jesus, You are ever present in the most Holy Blessed Sacrament. There have been so many times that I have wanted to receive You into my heart, but I feel ashamed for my heart and soul is stained with the darkness of sin. Looking at You suffering on the cross, my heart aches for I know that You are suffering for my sins; You would always find it in Your heart and everlasting love to forgive me. I humbly kneel before You now, praying and asking that You may graciously receive my most unworthy thanks, for letting me receive You into my most unworthy heart and soul. How can I thank You enough for such a grace that I am not worthy of having?
I cannot thank You enough for all other graces that You have given me from life to every breath that I take, to every heart beat that I make. All these graces I have foolishly taken for granted. Look at all the people in the world who are not as fortunate as I, and yet, are more worthy of such graces, but You came and chose me out of the many to receive these graces. One of those is the grace of receiving You into my heart.
Kneeling and bowing shamefully in your presence, I pray that You may always be with me to light, guard, guide, and to give me the many blessings throughout the day and my life.
I pray with the help of my dearly beloved mom, Mary, that I may be faithful to my religious vocation. For You said, "Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me." (Mk 8:34) I pray that You may help me to remember Your words in my life, for "One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God." (Mt. 4:4) May I always trust in You to lead me on the path of righteousness, and not lose You through sin. I know that I am weak in spirit, and I need You to take me by the hand and to guide me always along the paths of eternal life. I pray:
- That I may always love You more, with all my heart, soul, and mind. - That I may also love my brothers, neighbors, and all those whom You love. - That I may always have a humble heart, like our dearly beloved mom, Mary. - That I may become more pure and gentle like children, for they are naive and innocent.
I also pray that You may teach me to love Your Mom, who is also my Mom, with all my heart, all my soul, and all my mind. Pray that She will take me, hold me in her arms, and look down upon me with her gentle eyes, to protect me and to teach me to love You. Jesus, please teach me to do good on earth like St. Theresa. Let me always remember that no matter what I do, think or say, it is all for the love of You. For all this, I can say are these words: Thank You and I love You. Amen.